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Supervisors of Student Employees

Student Employee Separation

Discuss the following with your Student Employment Coordinator:

Why is the student employee is leaving?

How will you fill the vacancy?

Will the student employee train a replacement?

Student Worker Separation checklist

  1. Request a resignation letter from the student employee, indicating last day of work.
  2. Submit resignation letter to your Student Employment Coordinator. 

How to Hire an Academic Student Employee (ASE)

Academic student employees perform duties concern academics. There are various types of ASEs including Associates in lieu, tutors, and readers.

New ASEs cannot be hired by exception, all must apply to the open campaign in Instructional Assistant Data Management System (IA System)

  1. Discuss recruitment needs and budget with Director or Associate Dir. and Student Employment Coordinator (SEC)
  2. Submit information via Post a Job: Student
  3. SEC will create the campaign in the IA System
    1. SEC will send hiring supervisor the campaign for approval prior to it being live on the website
    2. Once  it is submitted the SEC will provide the hiring manager with the direct link to the campaign and pdf for approval
  4. Students will apply to the campaign
  5. Hiring Supervisor will review/Select applicants
  6. Hiring manager will notify SEC with the following
    • Full Legal Name
    • PID
    • Email address
  7. SEC will confirm student(s) eligibility and inform supervisor. Eligibility includes:
    • Registered
    • In good standing
    • GPA is 3.0 or greater

**If graduate student: Home department approval will be requested and if the applicant will be over 50% additional approval will be requested.

  1. SEC will send offer letter to student(s) through IA System
    1. Student accepts or declines offer through the IA System
  2. SEC will contact the student for hiring paperwork
  3. SEC will inform hiring supervisor when the student is able to start

NOTE: Student cannot start working until the hiring process has been completed and the supervisor has received an email of completion from the SEC.

How to Hire a Student Assistant

Under supervision, assistants perform duties ranging from unskilled to skilled and/or specialized in a variety of positions typically requiring the use of manual, clerical, advising, public contact and/or analytical skills; and perform other duties as required.

The assistant series contains 3 levels with distinction between the levels based on difficulty and responsibility.

Open Recruitment: Students will apply directly to the department through Handshake

  1. Discuss recruitment needs and budget with Director or Associate Dir. and Student Employment Coordinator (SEC)
  2. Submit information via Post a Job: Student
  3. SEC will submit the posting for approval
    1. Once approved by Career Services, students will apply
  4. Review/Select applicants
  5. Notify SEC with the following
    • Full Legal Name
    • PID
    • Email address
    • Near Relative Status
  6. SEC will confirm student(s) & Near Relative status
  7. SEC will confirm student(s) eligibility and inform supervisor
  8. Supervisor will make offer to student(s)
    1. Student accepts or declines offer
  9. Supervisor contacts SEC with the names of the applicants who accepted
  10. SEC will contact the student for hiring paperwork

Exception to Hire: If you have a specific student in mind for the position you can hire them by exception

  1. Discuss recruitment needs and budget with Director or Associate Dir. and Student Employment Coordinator (SEC)
  2. Submit information via Candidate Selected: Student
    • HR will confirm student(s) eligibility
  3. Supervisor will make offer to students(s)
    • Student accepts or declines offer
  4. SEC will submit the posting for approval
  5. SEC will contact the student for hiring paperwork

NOTE: Student cannot start working until the hiring process has been completed and the supervisor has received an email of completion from the SEC.